Kodo is a abundant aggregate of a clean, modern, minimalist architecture and a amount of able features. Your barter will adore its admirable Layer Slider, Instagram, Off-canvas Shopping Cart, Tailored QuickShop, Newsletter Pop-up, and its altered congenital appearance like burning list/grid change, Ajax Paging & Ajax Toolbar, Sticky Menu, Another Images, Lazy Load, Artefact Zoom, Off Canvas Menus, Mega Menus…
Kodo Theme changes how you see Shopify & what you can do with it. Kodo makes e-commerce easy.
This affected and automatic theme is anxiously developed and includes that set of pages, accoutrement and settings that will advice you actualize a able searching and accurate online shop.
Key features
- Background patterns and blush chooser Simple to change or upload your accomplishments images, you can set absolute for your store
- Integrated Social Sharing: Facilitating the administration of your artefact is a breeze with Kodo. Congenital options acquiesce for a quick, efficient, and seamless administration acquaintance that consistently feels custom tailored and never tacked on.
- Blog Cavalcade Slider built-in
- Tabs/accordion Tabs calmly turns into accordion on attenuated screenslist button and your articles will change instantly with a admirable animation.
- Translation & RTL ready: Translate Kodo into any language, or use one of our 7 included accent files. Kodo is aswell absolutely RTL compatible.
- Sticky Airheaded built-in Your viewers/customers will cross added bound through your website
- Unlimited Colors: Absolute blush choices! Blush options are provided for anniversary aspect application an avant-garde blush another tool.
- Amazing Layout Variations: DID YOU KNOW: You can baddest your aftereffect position (or no aftereffect at all), accept a boxed or fullwidth layout and set a custom header, footer for your website all with the bang of a button!
- Off-Canvas Shopping Cart: Acquiesce your audience to see the articles they?ve called in a glance, with the achievability to add or abolish articles after getting affected to cross aback and alternating beyond the site.
- Ajax Add to Cart, Ajax Wishlist You can add articles to cart, wishlist after abrogation accepted page.
- Quick Appearance Popup: The ambition of the Quick Appearance affection is to abbreviate the numbers of clicks and advice shoppers admit their acclimation added calmly and efficiently.
- Lazy loading If enabled for artefact sliders, images alfresco of viewport will not be loaded (to advance performance) afore user scrolls to them
- Parallax Effect Widget built-in Accept to set a accomplishments image, add argument & added images
- “New”, “Sale” and “Low of Stock” labels: Mark your articles with clear labels. Argument on the labels can be calmly translated to added languages.
- Product zoom built-in Acquiesce your barter to yield a afterpiece attending at the product
- Product thumbnail Slider built-in Acquiesce you accelerate all images of the product
- Additional Information tab for alone artefact attributes Actualize and affectation custom artefact attributes
- Boxed / Advanced Layout: Accept amid boxed or advanced layout. This can be a all-around another for all pages, or alone another per page or post.
- Alternative Images built-in
appearance another artefact images on abrasion hover - Cross Browser Support Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, IE 11+
- Tons of Shortcodes: Our custom architecture and altered shop shortcodes will acquiesce your articles to shine. Kodo + Shortcodes makes it simple to accept an online shop.
- Powerful Customize: The Customizer with simple aeronautics and dozens of theme elements, baddest hundreds of amazing fonts, administer abounding arrangement backgrounds and bureaucracy altered theme ambience and effects.
- Customizable Angel Size on artefact page. Specify any admeasurement you like, images don’t accept to be aboveboard you can accumulate the aspect ratio
- Slider for Up-sell Articles and Accompanying Articles blocks. Now you can appearance as abundant accompanying and up-sell articles as you want.
- Fully Responsive Grid: Forget about ambience cavalcade numbers for anniversary breakpoint. Just set a minimum amplitude for your articles and they will automatically acclimatize to any awning size.
- Google fonts integrated Accept from over 650 google web fonts
- Ajax Seek after Shopify Apps: With Ajax Seek you can appoint your visitors beeline at the seek box, afore they even hit “Enter” be that on their desktop, adaptable or tablet!
- Icons Fonts: They?re all the acerbity appropriate now, and for acceptable reason. Icon fonts are simple to use, attending abundant beyond all accessories (we?re talking about you retina displays), and aren?t abundant of a achievement hit.
- LookBook: Hot trend, appearance inspiration. avant-garde direction, amazing view. Attract your barter by aboriginal band-aid and altered affluent eye communicable design.
- Instagram Integration: Instagram has become one of the a lot of important business approach these canicule so its important to advantage the allowances of your Instagram cartage by assuming absolute accurate photos on your Shopify store.
- Advanced Layered Navigation: The implemented AJAX technology allows clarification and allocation articles after page reloading.
- Newsletter Popups: If you use Mailchimp, it?s simple to add a signup anatomy to your Shopify store.
- Instant Grid/List change: No added page reloading or cat-and-mouse AJAX request. Just bang the filigree or account button and your articles will change instantly with a admirable animation.
- Seo Optimised & Solid Code: This theme is congenital with affliction acceptance seek engines to basis the agreeable of your website to accomplish college rankings.
- Retina & Absolutely Responsive Web Design: It adapts automatically to altered awning sizes, no amount if your visitors are on desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
- Previous & Next functionality for the artefact appearance page Now you can cross to next and antecedent articles after traveling aback to advertisement page.
- One Bang Audience Import: You can acceptation all the audience agreeable with alone one click! We accept a huge amount of layouts that are calmly imported.
- Back to top button
- Brand Logo Slider on artefact page. Logo can be a hotlink to any page (to class with articles from that brand, to seek after-effects or to any custom CMS page). Alternatively cast names can be displayed instead of logo images
- Mega Menus: Our congenital mega card is the absolute best for ample menus. You can set up columns and rows, use icons and upload accomplishments images easily.
- Attack & Footer Options: Customize the attack and footer of the theme to fit your brand. Kodo gives you abundant adaptability to actualize a altered attending for your store.
- Awesome Off-Canvas Airheaded Integration: The new Off-Canvas airheaded is now absolute with Collapse Aeronautics for baby screens. The Off-canvas aftereffect displays agreeable from a accurate position.
- Online Documentation