A slick, modern, able and advisory multi-purpose responsive HTML5 coming soon template. Jewel is absolute for allegorical your users/customers of your accessible app, game, website or business service. With a admission affection and alive MailChimp newsletter cable form, you can acquaint your users/customers as to if you will absolution your work.
Jewel uses avant-garde HTML5 and CSS3 technologies to actualize an agreeable and abreast website. Unlike added coming soon templates, Jewel uses basal but affected CSS3 and jQuery animations to ensure fast page amount times and no lag if browsing the page; whilst still advancement a abreast feel. The absolutely responsive template adapts to computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets and avant-garde smartphones.
For alone $8, Jewel gives you 3 versions of the template for the amount of one, congenital with you in mind; with simple customisation you can clothier the template to bout your businesses needs. Scroll down to acquisition out more.
Features List
- Working PHP Acquaintance Form: email acquaintance form.
- 3 Versions included: acclivity background, angel accomplishments and JS slideshow angel background.
- Responsive Layout: template adapts to computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets and avant-garde smartphones.
- MailChimp Integration Guide: step-by-step adviser on how to accommodate MailChimp (readme file)
- MailChimp Subscribe Form: easy-to-integrate MailChimp acquaint form.
- Valid HTML
- Countdown: JS admission timer.
- Logo: add your business logo.
- Social Media Icons: CSS3 activated amusing media icons.
- CSS3 Fade In Animation: admission fades in on page load.
- Cross Browser Support: works on all avant-garde browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer and Edge)
- Retina Accessible Icons: icons accessible for IOS devices.
- JavaScript Popup Window and Button
- Google Fonts: calmly change the chantry from Google’s huge alternative of webfonts.
- Smooth Scroll Buttons
- Background arrangement provided by Subtle Patterns beneath the Creative Commons Licence. They are not included aural the acquirement files.
- Background images are provided by Pixabay beneath the Creative Commons Licence. They are not included aural the acquirement files.