A exceptional acknowledging wordpress restaurant theme. Customize this anyhow you like. This included google maps, a adhesive aeronautics with scrollspy. It aswell includes airheaded that accept prices and calorie counts. This arrangement includes a job area with custom treatments and an angel arcade that conforms to the attending of a polaroid picture.
- PSD Included
- Dual band effect
- Creative Interactive Elements
- Image Gallery
- Drop down navigation
- Scroll Events
- Auto Scroll Navigation
- 2 cavalcade anchored or individual cavalcade aqueous layout
- Feature Slideshow
- Tons of shortcodes available
- Animation
- Well documented
- Sticky Navigation
- Multiple Pages
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Food Menu Treatment
- User affable admin panel
Mobile Ready. Beer vectors are included. Stock photos are not included.
Tags: animation, clean, concrete5, creative, design, elegant, food, html5, interactive, jquery, modern, parallax, responsive, restaurant, Three Columns, typography