About Impose
Impose is a acknowledging html template created for bloggers with a minimalist architecture and optimized for mobile.
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery powered
- Extensive Documentation & Support Forum
- Flexible Images & Videos (supports acknowledging video bury in assorted aspect ratios)
- Working ajax acquaintance anatomy with client-side validation
- Responsive Architecture & Retina ready
- Easy to adapt : Fonts – Colors etc…
- Beautiful Featured Posts Slider
- Complete blog arrangement (all column formats supported)
- 30+ accepted amusing icons
- 10 blog layouts (with or after aftereffect versions)
- SEO Optimized
- Optimized achievement for adaptable devices
- Cross browser compatible
- Minimalistic & Distraction Free Design
v1.0 – 01.03.2017
- antecedent release
- Modernizr
- jQuery
- AntiSpam for Acquaintance Form
- Social-Photo-Stream-jQuery-Plugin
- Fluidbox
- FastClick
- Google Fonts
- Fontello
- Fixed Menu
- Bootstrap
- Reading Time
- Selection Sharer
- imagesLoaded
- Navicon Transformicons
- OwlCarousel2
- jQuery Validation Plugin
*images in the audience website are not included in the download package, replaced with placeholder images instead.
Tags: blog, blogging, clean, cv, elegant, fashion, Four+ Columns, gallery, lifestyle, minimal, personal, responsive, resume, simple, writer