Huber is a avant-garde multi-purpose review theme that allows you to actualize a able and alternate review site. Huber has the bend over added review capacity because of its altered and able hub system.
A hub is a column or page that contains advice for a accurate account (e.g. a game, movie, anniversary destination). Anniversary hub can accept tabs (Reviews, News, Images Videos, Forums) that appearance agreeable accompanying to this item. Reviews, news, videos and images associated with a hub will automatically affectation beneath the accordant tab.
Key Features
More Key Features
Huber has been accurately advised for BuddyPress so you can actualize a abundant searching amusing network.
bbPress is accepted for its artlessness and affluence of use. Huber keeps all that and has absolutely redesigned bbPress to accord you a abundant searching appointment platform.
Front-end and Amusing Login
Huber comes with an absolute front-end login, allotment and absent countersign interface so the user never sees the WordPress login page. It aswell works seamlessly with the WordPress Amusing Login plugin so your users can login via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.
Trending Posts
The theme utilises the WordPress Popular Posts plugin to affectation your trending posts. Unlike a lot of plugins or capacity trending posts are based on the amount of column angle over a specific time ambit (last day, anniversary etc.) instead of announcement the amount of angle from all the time.
Vote Up/Down Posts
Huber allows you to vote up or down any post/page and adjustment items by a lot of likes.
Profile Link/Notifications Counter
Huber gives you the adeptness to add the logged in user’s contour hotlink to your airheaded and add the BuddyPress notifications adverse beside it so users can accumulate clue of who’s beatific them a message, acquaintance appeal etc.
Multiple Advertisement Areas
Huber allows you to add leaderboard ads in the attack and footer of the website which are absolutely responsive.
Multiple Page Headers
Select from assorted types of page attack including standard, fullwidth and abounding page. You can aswell add videos in the attack as a accomplishments or a playable video.
Ajax Filtering
Ajax clarification allows you to move from page to page after reloading the page convalescent page amount time. You can aswell clarify posts by category, date, comments, views, appellation and date range.
Sticky Sidebars
Huber comes with Theia Sticky Aftereffect plugin (worth $18) that allows your aftereffect to become assuredly arresting so it moves down the page as the user scrolls through the content. This abundant for ads and added advice that you wish to accumulate in view all the time.
Search Engine Optimization
Huber is congenital with the latest SEO practices in mind. Semantic HTML5 for bigger seek aftereffect placement, action markup of all content, actual use of H tags, capital agreeable loaded afore accessory agreeable – we accept it all covered.
Translation Ready
The Review comes with adaptation files so you can calmly construe your website into any accent you want.
Icon Font
Why are figure fonts so important? Simple. They are so simple to use, attending abundant at any admeasurement and accomplish your agreeable attending that abundant better. Huber includes the Chantry Awesome library to accord you about 400 icons to use throughout your navigation, paragraphs, buttons, lists, and just about annihilation abroad you can anticipate about.
Clean Code
Huber conforms to the best coding practices if it comes to HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. We abhorrence ataxia and all our cipher is simple, apple-pie and simple to read. This is abnormally important if you wish to adapt the cipher yourself. We’ve implemented the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques forth with acid bend WordPress standards to ensure that your theme will accord you the best accessible acquaintance in agreement of the latest web appearance and faster page amount times.
Post Formats
Manage your blog posts bigger by demography advantage of WordPress custom column formats. The afterward column formats are included, anniversary with their own altered appearance and options: Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Audio and Video.
Customer Support
We action top cleft abutment which agency you will accept abundant answers to any questions you may accept quickly. Trouble application the theme? Find a bug? We’ll break it for you.
Individual & All-around Options
The theme gives you the adeptness to change the options globally for all posts, pages and categories or you can do this on individually.
Create Absolute Sidebars
Create absolute sidebars that you can affectation on any page you want.
Child Theme
Comes with a adolescent theme so if you anytime wish to accomplish any cipher changes they will not be overwritten if you amend the theme.
Redux Framework
The theme uses the Redux framework which is a simple, absolutely adaptable options framework for WordPress capacity and plugins. This allows you to adapt the website reside application the WordPress Customizer.
Full List of Features
- Individual and all-around options
- Add assorted affiliates
- Powerful menus
- Vote Up/Down Posts
- bbPress integration
- Search engine optimisation (SEO)
- Site and user ratings on any column or page
- JavaScript fallback
- Bundled with Visual Composer (worth $34)
- Clean code
- Ajax filtering
- Tons of customization options
- Choose whether visitors or just logged in users can add ratings
- Front-end and Amusing Login
- Valid HTML5 and CSS3
- Follow hubs
- One bang install
- Allow visitors and logged in users to abide user reviews from the frontend
- Multiple Page Headers
- Compatible in all above browsers
- Multiple Advertisement Areas
- Redux framework
- Show ratings in Google seek after-effects (rich snippets)
- Add assorted reviews for anniversary account (hub)
- Responsive
- Create absolute sidebars
- Trending Posts
- Child theme
- Profile Link/Notifications Counter
- Sticky sidebars
- Translation ready
- Icon chantry (FontAwesome)
- Unique hub system
- BuddyPress integration
- Post formats
- Multiple belief rating
- Display and adjustment posts by absolution date (separate from column date)
Gauge and The Review Users
Will my hubs and reviews plan with this theme?
Yes! If you are already application Gauge or The Review capacity you can use this theme after the anguish of things not working. Huber comes with a theme advocate that converts all your hubs and reviews so aggregate looks appealing abundant like it did before. Amuse agenda hub awards are not currently supported.
What’s altered about this theme?
There’s a lot of differences, here’s a attending at a few of them:
- Add review after-effects to the top of reviews.
- Images now plan with CDNs and angel compression plugins.
- You can now add assorted reviews to anniversary hub account (you accessory reviews with hubs just like you do with posts).
- Hubs now cover a Forums tab by absence for calmly abacus appointment content.
- Release dates are now advised like a able date acreage so you can adjustment by this date, clarify by specific date ranges, appearance alone items from approaching absolution dates etc.
- You can now add assorted affiliates to anniversary hub.
- Hubs and reviews can now be either posts or pages.
- Tons of acceleration improvements.
- Hubs no best use adolescent pages for tabs. The Reviews, News, Images and Videos tabs are now allotment of the hub page. This reduces the amount of pages generated, reduces the amount of database queries and makes creating hubs even easier.
To view the changelog amuse appointment
Tags: affiliates, bbpress, buddypress, Four+ Columns, front-end, games, gaming, hub, movies, rank, rating, responsive, review, rich snippets, schema, tabs, video header