Homex is a Real Estate Template. It’s actualize in cheep Bootstrap4 version. Lot’s of important pages and appearance cover here. Specially we added user ascendancy console or use admin console design. Homex cover acreage map appearance arrangement and acreage popup on google stylist map. Homex is absolutely acknowledging and W3 academy validate.
Different appearance acreage filigree arrangement design. In this architecture we added altered blazon of acreage seek appearance aboriginal time. So you can get advantage what blazon of seek arrangement you would like to advance and accumulate in your website. Homex accept lot’s of pages and it’s actual simple to customize. You can actualize new aspect and pages application it’s appearance and sources. The template is actual fast loading. It’s canyon google website acceleration analysis account 86/100 Homex is all browser comfortable. It’s abutment a lot of accessible browsers. We abide to amend home and will cover added features.
- Well Documented
- Flat Figure use
- Pixel Perfect Multipurpose HTML5 Template.
- Loading Fast.
- PHP email action cover with acquaintance form.
- Free google chantry used.
- Only chargeless Google Fonts are used.
- 65 HTML File Include
- Clean & Unique Design.
- 1200px bootstrap filigree arrangement used.
- Custom jQuery used.
- Easy chantry alarming figure use.
- Homex can be bought alone on Envato Market.
File Include:
- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- JS Files
- Layer Slider Plugin
- Documentation
HTML Pages List:
- about
- agent_details
- agent_list_search
- agent_search
- blog
- blog_details
- compare
- contact
- content_both_sidebar
- content_left_sidebar
- content_right_sidebar
- dashboard_booking
- dashboard_change_password
- dashboard_comment
- dashboard_favorite
- dashboard_featured
- dashboard_invoice
- dashboard_listing
- dashboard_massage
- dashboard_message
- dashboard_offer
- dashboard_personal_info
- dashboard_profile_setting
- dashboard_purchase
- dashboard_social_media
- dashboard_submit_property
- dashboard_system_setting
- dashboard_tax_info
- error
- faq
- index
- index_2
- index_3
- index_4
- index_5
- index_6
- index_7
- login
- pricing_table
- property_agents_grid
- property_agents_list
- property_grid_full
- property_grid_map
- property_grid_sidebar_left
- property_grid_sidebar_right
- property_grid_simple_search
- property_grid_thum_map
- Property_list_Full
- property_list_map
- property_list_sidebar_left
- property_list_sidebar_right
- Property_list_simple_search
- property_search_grid
- property_search_list
- property_single_1
- property_single_2
- property_single_3
- property_single_4
- register
- reviews
- service_details
- services
- timeline
24/7 Support:
We acceptance abutment is actual important afterwards acquirement a template. Because every applicant will adapt the template or template with in a time. So they can face botheration if adapt and charge to get advice from columnist in time. That’s why we accumulate the quick time abutment and 3 blazon of support.
Uses Fonts
- General Email Support
- Developer Support
- Voice Call Abutment In Skype (English)
- Comfota
- Varela Round
PLEASE don’t overlook to amount it.
Thanks so much!