‘Hayla’ is a absolute HTML website arrangement for any blazon of consulting business. This arrangement is distinctively advised & developed for consulting businesses. It is absolutely acknowledging arrangement based on Bootstrap’s latest adaptation (Bootstrap 4).
‘Hayla’ has a avant-garde architecture that has alarming UI / UX. It is advised to access your about-face rate. An amazing blueprint gives agreeable acquaintance for visitors.
Powerful appearance advice to actualize a abiding consequence on your website visitors & customers. These aberrant website apparatus advice you to angle out from the army & accomplish an impression. ‘Hayla’ provides a advanced arrangement of accessible & adjustable website elements & appearance which are a fun to use in itself.
- gulpfile & package.json book included
- Google Fonts
- Pricing Page Included
- 3 Home page variation.. More are advancing soon!
- Lightning Fast
- Sass files included
- and so on….
- Easy to Use / Edit- Just like that..
- Special UI & UX for consulting businesses
- Well documented
- Sass & CSS both Included
- Fully Responsive- Attractive, here, there, everywhere!
- Engaging Call To Action buttons
- Responsive graphs & archive included
- Parallax Background- Not all separations are bad!