Grocery Shop
The Grocery App – top superior Grocery app interface, accessible to use, fabricated with appearance and elements that will advice you advance Grocery app.
Retina display
15 PSD screens
- 01_splash.psd- 02_login_register.psd- 03_login.psd- 04_register.psd- 05_home.psd- 06_categories.psd- 07_product_listing.psd- 08_product_detail.psd- 09_cart.psd- 10_payment.psd- 11_card_detail.psd- 12_my_account.psd- 13_address.psd- 14_offers.psd- 15_notification.psd
100% agent shapesWell organized PSD filesFully editable colors
Font Used: Roboto » GoogleWebFont Images just for simulation purpose (by Google)
Tags: food, food market, fruit, grocery, online grocery shop, online store, online vegetables, supermarket, supermarket grocery