Giman is a HTML landing page template which absolute for product showcase, attack or advance purpose and aswell acceptable for alms deals or bundle. Giman has a lot of appearance and elements which generally acclimated on any websites so you can even actualize your own portfolio/personal website application this template.
Giman has 4 blueprint variations, they are Single Product, Product Campaign, Game Deals, and Digital Array layout. Anniversary has specific purpose but absolutely flexible. You will get different elements on anniversary layout. You can use any of them, abode it anywhere, adapt it calmly and run your project.
This template is acceptable for everyone, whether you’re a user with aught programming abilities or an avant-garde developer you will adulation this template because Giman congenital with the acclaimed Bootstrap framework (latest version) and able with Sass.
- 4 blueprint variations
- Valid and able-bodied commented code
- Parallax effect
- Clear documentation
- Clean and able look
- Sass and CSS3 files included
- Responsive design
- Working acquaintance form
- Mailchimp subscribe integration
- Latest Bootstrap framework
What will you get
- PSD Files
- Icon chantry library
- All HTML files
- Documentation file
The images acclimated in the examination are not included. Credits are on the documentation
Tags: bootstrap, bundle landing page, campaign, carousel, Content Filter, crowdsource, deals landing page, isotope, One Column, parallax landing page, product landing page, responsive, sass, smooth scroll, subscribe form