Genius – Multipurpose Ecommerce HTML5 Template is a modern, apple-pie and able HTML 5 & CSS 3 Template, it is fully
responsive, it looks beauteous on all types of screens and devices. Genius template is acceptable for Fruits Store, clothes
store, appearance store, Shoes Store, Jewellery Store, boutique, architecture products, electronics articles or agnate websites that
needs a affection affluent yet admirable attendance online.
The HTML5 template has 24 Pages and 4 Variations. The template is abounding and calmly customizable. It is able-bodied organized,
commented and documented.
Main Features:
- Mega Vertical Menu
- Unique & Avant-garde Design
- Hot Categories
- Free Icon Fonts (Font Awesome)
- 404 page error
- Mega Horizontal Menu
- List & Grid View (Products)
- Included documentation.
- Owl Carousel Slider With CSS3 Transitions
- Free Google web fonts
- Valid HTML5 Markup
- RTL abutment
- Fully Responsive (Tested on Multiple Devices)
- HTML5 / CSS 3
- HTML files
- Brand Slider
- Customizable & Organized
- Full Width Layout
- Cloud zoom
- Compatible Browsers: IE9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
- Multi-options for Home Page
- Mega Top Menu
jQuery – Bootstrap v3.3.7 Font Awesome 4.7.0 Owl carousel Animate.css
Tags: bootstrap 3.3.7, clean, css 3, e-commerce, Electronics Store, fashion, fruits, html5, Jewellery Store, jquery, makeup, modern, multipurpose store, responsive, shoes, store, Two Columns