Flowershop is a anxiously advised HTML template for Flower, boutique and added accompanying shops and stores. Flowershop is adorable to eyes just like Flowers. Built on top of bootstrap, it works on all accessories amplitude as well.
Template Features :
- Google Fonts Used
- Fully Customizable
- Pixel Perfect
- Based on Bootstrap 1170px absolute filigree width
- 14 HTML Files
- Soft and Modern Style
HTML files included :
- 6-FS-Singleproduct
- 8-FS-Gallery
- 3-FS-Bloggrid
- 1-FS-Home
- 2-FS-Blog
- 9-FS-Gallery Single
- 4-FS-Blogsingle
- 7-FS-Elements
- 10-FS-Contact
- 5-FS-Shoppage
Icons Acclimated :
- Thinkstock
- Iconmonstr
Fonts Acclimated :
- Josefin Sans
- Raleway
Images Acclimated :
Note: All images are just acclimated for examination purpose alone and NOT included in the final acquirement
files.(They are replaced with gray’ed adaptation of aforementioned image.)
Tags: bokeh, boutique, feminine, flower, flowers, gift, girlish, modern, pink, plain, responsive, rose, simple, stylish, white