Fitspirit is HTML5, absolutely responsive, one-page template for fitness, aerobic, crossfit, gym and other. All you charge to present your account or artefact is inside.
Bright colors and apple-pie architecture will absolutely allure your website visitors due to the adverse colors and agee layout.
The template is simple to customize, and you will get abundant chiral how to adapt any elements and to accomplish it adapted for your project.
- Explicit documentation
- Customizable: you can change copy, fonts, card items, images, argument on the button
- Reasonable action created with JavaScript
- HTML5 and CSS3 based landing page template (the cipher is breviloquent and clean)
- Cross browser accordant and absolutely responsive
Fonts used:
- Roboto
- Glyph Icons Font from WebHostingHub
- Modernizr
- Contact forms validation plugin “jquery.validate”
- Plugin for popup: bpopup
- jQuery library
- Slider plugin Cycle2
- Images and videos:
- Icons:
- Images:
Upates & Changelog
Version 1.0 – May 2018
- Initial ReleaseTags: aerobic, clear, company, crossfit, fitness, gym, gym coach, html, landing page, responsive, sass, sport, sport club, template, website