Fashion – An Amazing, Ceative, Clean, Premium multi-purpose & absolutely Professional Responsive HTML Template which has been advised for all blazon of ecommerce websites.! The architecture is actual affected and modern, and aswell actual simple to customize. You can use it for Clothes, Electronics, Home Appliances, Furniture, Food etc..
Template Features:-
- Google Location Map
- Font Awesome Icons (350+ Icons)
- Parallax Scrolling Effect
- Ultra Responsive Layout ( Adaptable and Tablet)
- Fully customizable
- High Visual Hierchy / Contrast for easier to read
- Well-commented
- Cross Brower Supports: FireFox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE9+
- Bootstrap 3 Framework (Grid advanced 1170px)
- Modern, Clean & Clear Design
- HTML & CSS Validated
- Smooth CSS & JS Animations
- Owl Carousel
HTML Files Included:-
- About us
- Detail
- Login
- My Account
- Contact
- Page-404
- Blog
- Home_Page
- Checkout
- Cart
- Wishlist
- Create Account
- Listing
Icons used:-
fontawesome – a chargeless icons for claimed or bartering plan )
Fonts used:-
- Playball Font –
- Open Sans Font –
(The fonts are acclimated through out the accomplished kit. It’s advised for accuracy beyond web and adaptable interfaces and supports several appearance sets and languages.)
Photos Credits Goes:-
Important Note:-
The images acclimated in the template are not included in the capital download file, they are alone for the examination purpose.