About Faramond
Faramond is a creative blog template that has been advised application bootstrap filigree of 1170px. The architecture is apple-pie and pixel perfect. The layers in the PSD accept been organised and called in an simple and alike manner. There is a absolute of 20 PSD.
Important Features
- Google fonts: Merriweather, Ubuntu and Pacifico
- Free images from Unsplash
- 6 altered attack styles
- Free icons from Font Awesome Icons
- Clickable thumbnails in affidavit bond to images used
- A affidavit as simple as ABCD..
20 PSD Files
- 03_List_Layout
- 12_Search
- 01_Home_Default
- 06_Full_Post_And_Grid_Layout_Full_Width
- 04_Full_Post_And_List_Layout_Full_Width
- 11_Contact_Us
- 13_Header_Styles
- 14_Newsletter
- 06_Full_Post_And_Grid_Layout
- 05_Grid_Layout
- 02_Home_Standard_Layout_Full_Width
- 09_Gallery_Post
- 08_Video_Post
- 04_Full_Post_And_List_Layout
- 07_Standard_Post
- 03_List_Layout_Full_Width
- 05_Grid_Layout_Full_Width
- 07_Standard_Post_Full_Width
- 10_About_Us
- 02_Home_Standard_Layout
In case you appointment any issues, feel chargeless to leave a bulletin and we will acquaintance you aural hours with a band-aid to your problem.
Tags: blog, classic, clean, creative, elegant, fashion, gallery, instagram, leisure, modern, music, psd, responsive, template, video