About Template:
What’s up there? Going to authority a abundant event? Tell the apple about it in the a lot of creative way!
Event HTML template is a modern alternate affiche for concerts, festivals and conferences.
Event will advice you to accomplish humans interested, accomplish them wish to be a allotment of it.
You will adulation cogent humans about your amusing activities with Event.
- Be sure, this HTML template automatically adjusts to altered awning sizes
- Let your audience accept to music and buy tickets on the homepage
- Enjoy aboriginal and memorable designs
- Set basal and acceptable template for a conferenc
- Make it appropriate (choose one of 6 altered templates)
Just admit your pictures and texts for template customizing. The template fabricated on Bootstrap 1170px container. It simple to accomplish acknowledging layout.
Small Preview:
Key features:
- Fully Responsive
- Free Google Web Fonts
- Retina Ready
- 1170px Bootstrap Grid Based Design
- Clean and Modern Design
- Free FontAwesome icons
Fonts used:
- Oswald
- Cabin
- Open Sans
- Oswald Stencil
Images used:
- Graphicburger
- Unsplash
Icons used:
- FontAwesome
- IcoFont
Note: All images and icons are acclimated for examination alone and not included in the final acquirement pack.
If you accept any questions about customization, amuse acquaintance me via e-mail or through my contour page. I’ll advice you as anon as possible.
Tags: art, colors, concert, conference, creative, entertainment, event, festivals, Four+ Columns, music, one page, responsive, rock