EveCon is the a lot of adopted Responsive event Landing WordPress Theme. It is simple to adapt and distinctively advised for Bussness event landing, app blog, tech blog, app portfoilo, technology landing and any added alarming event landing Website.
This Elegant WordPress event Landing Theme comes with admirable banal Homes and array of column format. Anyone can calmly accessible their event landing Website with geo easily. Creative and Clean Design gives you absolute feel of event landing site.
Features affluent geo WP event Landing Theme is congenital with Visual Composer annoyance and bead page builder, Theme Options and Customization powered by WordPress Customizer. SEO Friendly Markup and Responsive blueprint is congenital with Bootstrap Framework, HTML5, CSS3, and Beautiful Mind.
Theme Features
- Valid Markup with Modular Design for remixing further
- 3 Home Variations
- Smooth Transition
- Free Google Fonts
- Fully Responsive Design
- Visual Composer Page Builder
- Well Documented
- Theme Options Powered by WordPress Customizer
- Fully Customizable
- Awesome and Creative Design
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.7
- +More
- Creative, Clean, Modern and Unique Theme.
- Cross Browser Compatible – IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
Source & Credits
- FontAwesome
- Pixabay
- Shutter Stock
- Google Font
Note: Images are alone for audience preview, not included into package.
Tags: business, conference, congresses, convene, event, exhibition, expo, Four+ Columns, keynote, Meetup, responsive, schedule, seminar, speakers, summit, tickets, workshop