Welcome to Electrox Shopify theme from Designthemes.
Built with Shopify, which is arguably the finest ecommerce belvedere for ablution your articles online. It is agitative to acquaint Electrox which is an absolute ecommerce theme for your online stores. If you are in Electronics Appliances business, you can’t get a bigger theme than Electrox.
Not alone that, Electrox is a absolute fit for electrical and electronics appurtenances shop as able-bodied as altered accoutrements and appearance accessories. Apart from these goods, Electrox is an alarming fit for any e business abundance with amazing user friendliness.
Regardless of what you are selling, Electrox fits into your arrangement of things perfectly! Whether you are affairs Handbags, Golf Accoutrements or added Appearance accessories, like mobiles, helmets and what accept you, Electrox theme is the absolute fit for you.
Shopify Expertise for you
Having developed added than 50+ capacity in Shopify platform, we action our latest Electrox e-commerce theme with automatic appearance bare for auspiciously active your online store. Electrox comes with admirable technologies such as Sass CSS, Owl Carousel, FontAwesome, and Animation.
Besides, we accept included Flex Slider, Product Carousel, Blog Carousel and Ajax Add to Cart functions.
It has been advised and developed to affectation beautifully beyond all of today’s avant-garde accessories including laptops, tablets, smartphones, and of advance desktop computers.
Improvised Filters & appropriate appearance in Electrox:
Ajax Add to Cart:
Arcade barrow is the a lot of important aspect of any e-commerce website affairs appurtenances and services. Nevertheless, the success rate of the online abundance is anon proportional to the speed of abacus and blockage the items in the arcade cart. The affluence of the accomplished affairs action is added by Ajax based Arcade Cart. Affairs in Electrox is effortless and quick because of Ajax add to barrow functionality!
Product Swatch Options:
Electrox theme offers you the Blush Swatch advantage with the adeptness to change the blush affectation on your articles just by selecting the color. These blush changes on the articles appear according to the user selection. Items advancing in altered blush options such as top heels shoes, tees and others in alternative colors could able-bodied use this feature.
Ajax Aftereffect Filters:
Setting filters is simple in Electrox theme application the Ajax sidebar. Select filters such as color, brand, type, and class as able-bodied as account and dropdown. The alternative of clarify will affectation those specific articles that clothing your store’s needs after accepting to reload the page.
Timer Countdown:
Actual advantageous for highlighting a auction action or appropriate discount. The timer ticks abroad in hours, account and abnormal advertence there is actual little time larboard for the action to end. Definitely accessible in accelerating the action of Call to Action in adjustment placing.
Key appearance of Electrox Theme
- Product Image Zoom
- Newsletter pop-up
- Ajax Aftereffect Filters
- Grid & Account Mode
- Product Swatch Options
- Customer Reviews
- Supports multi-currency
- 5 altered styles of Mega card
- Timer Countdown
- Product Auction Label
- Responsive Design
- Product Owl Carousel
- Google Web Fonts Integration
- Font alarming icons integrated
- Wishlist Module
- Custom About us and Contact page
- Advanced Typography Options
- Drag and Drop Sections
- 3 Types of Footer
- 3 Types of Header
- Pop-Up Search Option
- Responsive Flex Slider
- Ajax Add to Barrow
Go for Electrox accurate by the legendary support aggregation of Designthemes.
Note :
Images acclimated in the audience are not included for download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can accommodate the links to buy license.
Tags: appliances, ecommerce, electronics, Four+ Columns, gadgets, Gaming Console, headphones, ipad, iphone, laptop, lifestyle, mobile, modern, responsive, shop, smart tv, speakers