=+ EduTouch += The Template For Education
EduTouch is a apple-pie and avant-garde able HTML 5 Template for all kinds of Educational Purpose like School, College, University & Training center. EduTouch Based on Bootstrap . You Can Body whatever you like with this template that looks calmly on-point in Academic, Education, Agency, School, college, Study, Teacher, Portfolio, Blog, University just aggregate is accessible with EduTouch. With all, it appearance you can body something great. It is ultimate adjustable with endless of nice options and features.
It’s absolutely responsive architecture and apple-pie . EduTouch was activated on all above devices.Unlimited possibilities & adjustable that will calmly be able to abutment every website development. Don’t delay – Launch Your Startup Now!
EduTouch is so abundant simple to modified, customizable and able-bodied documentated. every area are afar by comments (in raw code) that you can calmly accept which area you are in . if you get any botheration again feel chargeless to contuct us . our suport aggregation consistently try to accord you best solution.
After purchasing EduTouch You will get two altered affidavit for capital template and slider revolution. the affidavit is simple to accept with screenshot .
EduTouch Features:
- Easily Customizable
- FontAwesome Icon
- Result Sheet Page
- Fully Responsive design
- Clean Design
- Well Commented
- W3C Validate
- 24/7 Support
- Easy Documentation
- Bootstrap v3.3.7
- Contact Form
- Carousel Infinity Slider
- Google Map
- Free Google Fonts
- CSS3
- Multipage
- Slider Revolution
- Portfolio Filtering
- Cross-Browser Compatability
Google fonts:
- Raleway
- Open Sans
Sources and Credits:
- isotop
- Animate CSS
- Smoothscroll
- jQuery v3.1.1
- Bootstrap v3.3.7
- Waypoints
- Parallax
- sPreoader
- jQuery UI
- Google Map
- Countdown
- Owl carosel
- FontAwesome
Note: Images are not included with the capital files. They are acclimated for examination purposes only
Tags: child, college, course, education, events, institute, kindergarten, nursery, primary, responsive, school, school html, study, teacher, Three Columns