Delta Theme – Overview
If you are searching for a Furniture and Decor template, Delta is congenital appropriate for your affairs needs.
It is fabricated with barter in mind, so even if you don’t accept all-encompassing abstruse skills, you’ll administer to actualize a good-looking, feature-rich, different website by application Delta theme.
Home page is advised clear with ample slideshows aloft and beneath Mega Menu. Slideshow is abundant with bland transitions of texts and nice images. Besides, Delta Theme is advised with a avant-garde and new appearance and new web technologies: Font Awesome 4, W3C, CSS3, HTML5 allowance barter to affectation articles professionally.
In addition, able ThemeCustomizer with adjustable settings, fast loading, exceptional modules, fast abutment and abundant more. The theme is congenital with latest web technologies and SEO optimized to accomplish it affable with seek engines.
Tags: architect, chair, creative, decor prestashop theme, decoration, e-commerce, exterior, Four+ Columns, furniture, furniture design, home, house studio, interior furniture, modern, responsive, shop, wood theme