Core plus is the ultimate admin template you will anytime need.
Its awful acceptable for any affectionate of dashboard applications like CRM, Hospital administration system, any blazon of admin activities system.
it comes with all capital appearance which you would charge whlie architecture dashboard like
- google maps
- Different card layouts
- Charts – 6 types
- Data tables
It aswell includes laravel blade files to acceleration up your laravel development with amount plus
- Summernote
- Dropzonejs
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap datetimepicker
- Jquery
- Font Awesome
- Full Calendar
- Animate.css
- Datatables
- bootstrap validator
- Gmaps
- chart plugins
- Sweet Alert2
- Vector Maps
Note: Images acclimated to audience are not included in zip file
Tags: admin template, Backend System, bootstrap admin, crm admin, crm dashboard, dashboard, responsive, ultimate dashboard