Constrot is the a lot of enticing, creative, and avant-garde Construction Premium HTML5 template acceptable for any Construction, business or accumulated websites.Easy to use & customize, architecture & cipher quality, acknowledging theme, artistic sliders, flexibility, bags of premade pages, shortcodes, Multiple portfolio options, Multiple blog options acknowledging and quick abutment – these are the outstanding appearance and superior to accomplish us angle out from the crowd.
All Appearance of Template
- Google Font & Font Icons
- Full Screen Slider
- Unique Hover Effects
- Powerful Bootstrap v3+
- Responsive Layoutes
- Revolution Slider
- 25+ Shortcodes
- 10 Header Styles
- 80+ HTML Templates Available
- Sticky Menus
- Responsive Carousels
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Working Contact Form
- 8 Type Testimonials
- Multiple Pages
- Well Documented
- Unlque Slider Effects
- Parallax Effect
- And abundant More…
- Blog Options
- 4 Awesome Home Pages
- Sticky Footer
- 2 Footer blush style
- reliable Support