Creative advancing soon template with imgClip plugin
Main Features
- Cross Browser and Fully Responsive
- MailChimp cable form
- Well-written documentation
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Working Ajax Acquaintance Form (PHP)
- Google fonts
- Beautiful Design
- Smooth alteration effects
- W3C Validated
- 11 Different Variations
- Clean Code
- Built with SASS (Source Included)
- Google map API integration
- Countdown timer
- 24/7 Support
Feel chargeless to acquaintance us [email protected]
- Magnific Popup
- jQuery
- Magnific Popup
- jquery-ajaxchimp
- ionicons
- jQuery.countdown
- Bootstrap
- Fonts: Google Fonts
- Photos:
- Icons:
Full credits account provided in documentation
Tags: coming soon, contact form, countdown, creative, Four+ Columns, imgClip, innovative, mailchimp, map, responsive, under construction