CarSpot is a creative, avant-garde and multipurpose auto banker and classified WordPress theme acceptable for car dealership, auto dealer, automotive, car services, classified, hire casework websites or business or any accumulated websites in this field.
- Well Managed Documentation
- User Profile Pages
- Multiple Listing Style
- Latest JQuery 3.1
- SEO Optimized
- 7 Predefined Color Options
- 50+ HTML Pages
- Latest Bootstrap 3.7
- Clean and Artistic Design
- Easy to Customize
- Advance Search Sidebar
- Classified Icons Included
- Login and Register Models
- W3C Validate Code
- Clean Code
- HTML5 & CSS3
- 404 and Contact Us Page
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Multiple Blog Pages
- 11 Predefined Home Pages
- Completely Reusable Section
- 4 blazon of individual ad page
- Listing in Google Map
- Font Awesome Included
- Complete User Dashboard
- Truly Responsive
- JQuery Mega Menu
- 2 Blazon of Ad Submitting Page
- CSS3 Animations and Transitions
- Smart and artistic Category Grid
- Home page with Google map
- Targeted Ad Spots
Images are not included in download package.
By purchasing our template you accept a able support. Our aggregation will acquiescently acknowledge to your apropos as anon as possible, and advice you out if you charge a customisation.
Tags: ad listing, ad posting, ads, advertising, car services, classified, classified ads, dealership, Four+ Columns, inventory, listing, marketing, marketplace, posting, responsive