Book Store & Library – Online Book Store HTML Arrangement is a apple-pie and abreast HTML arrangement with some abreast architecture elements and alarming features. This could be a abundant best for online book food and sellers.
This could aswell be acclimated as a landing page or a website for E-books as it consists of some abundant appearance and architecture elements. It has been advised and coded befitting in apperception the requirements of this category. The breeding and artlessness of this HTML arrangement makes it a abundant best for online book food and books accompanying website.
1) Fully Responsive HTML 5 Template. 2) Validated Code. 3) Cross Browser Compatibility. 4) Different home page layouts. 5) Detailed documentation. 6) Beautiful design. 7) HTML, CSS and JS files included. 8. Beautiful columnist and book detail page.9) Beautiful and able-bodied anticipation close pages including about us page, account page, acquaintance us page etc.10) Beautiful and abreast mega menu.
Images are not included in the amalgamation and they are just for the preview.
Tags: app store, book author, book publisher, book seller, book shop, book store, books, digital books, e-book, e-book store, ebooks, library, online book shop, online book store, online books, responsive