Bon Voyage Biking template has been advised accurately for biking agencies. It boasts an absorbing full-page attack breadth with a photography-based accomplishments and a ablaze call-to-action button, which will instantly bolt the visitors’ attention. It is aswell supplied with a custom Tours page, area you can affectation all the advice about the casework provided by your company. The committed Contact Us page was advised to accomplish the alternation amid you and your barter added streamlined. The template is additionally accordant with Google Web Fonts and chantry icons to accord you added ascendancy in customizing your website.
Template Features:
HTML5/CSS3 Fully Valid HTML Multiple Blog Layouts Pixel Perfect Multiple Blog Layouts FontAwesome icons SEO Friendly Code Coming Soon Team Profiles Multiple Gallery Layouts Easy to customize All Google Web Fonts Extensive Documentation Event Styles Variations Flexible and Multipurpose Multi akin Dropdown Menu Clean, collapsed & brittle design Based on Bootstrap framework Fully acknowledging and retina ready jQuery added slider and effects Supports absolute colour variations Cross browser Support – Tested in IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, iOS, Android and Blackberry
Tags: accommodations, booking, car, city restaurants, cruise, flights, Four+ Columns, holiday, museums, plane, responsive, restaurants, tour guide, tourism