Bize is a Clean and Creative able Business Landing Page Template. This is a One-page landing page template, advised for all blazon of business-related website, like Business, Marketing, Agency, Corporate, Personal Business, Startup, Financial and Consulting Categories. It’s actual simple to adapt and the cipher has been able-bodied organized and accurately commented.
Bize Based on Twitter Bootstrap able front-end framework for faster and easier web development, it comes with eight demos.
What you get (Best Features)
- Well Commented Code
- Minimal & Lightweight Design
- Isotope filterable portfolio
- Font Awesome
- Documentation
- Full Browsers Compatibility
- W3C Validated
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Unique “one page” design
- Support and help
- Build with bootstrap 3.3.7
- Responsive 100%
- Easy Customization
- Unique Design
- Friendly & Quick Support
- Clean & Optimize Code
- Google Fonts
- Well Documentation
- Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 templates
Credits And Sources
- Isotop Filtering
- Bootstrap
- jQuery Validation Plugin
- jQuery JavaScript Library
- OwlCarousel
- Typed Js
- Magnific Popup
- Font Awesome
- Google Fonts
If you accept a moment, amuse amount this item, I’ll acknowledge it, if you charge any advice application the book or charge appropriate customizing amuse feel chargeless to acquaintance me via my Themeforest profile
Note: All photos are for examination alone and are not included in the package.
Tags: agency, business, corporate business, creative business, finance, Four+ Columns, multipurpose, one page, responsive, responsive template, services, startup business, youtube agency