Binz is an App Landing Template.It can be acclimated as App Landing Page and Marketing Landing accompanying website. The absolute & able-bodied structured cipher makes your website fast & accessory friendly. Binz Built With Bootstrap 3.3.6. Slider Revolution and Stunning Features are included.
- Google Fonts
- Well Documented
- Blog Pages Included
- 3 Home Variations
- Cross Browser Compatible – IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera
- All Necessary Pages
- Onepage Template
- Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Free Font Icons (Font Awesome)
- Google Page Speed Tested
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Fully Responsive
- Slider Revolution
- Fully Responsive Design
- Sharp and Clean Design
- Customizer Support
Sources and Credits
- ScrollIt
- Google Fonts
- Owl Carousel
- Revulation Slider
- Font Awesome Icons
- Flickity
- Shutter Stock
- wow Js
Note: All images are just acclimated for examination purpose alone and NOT included in the final acquirement files.
Tags: app, app landing page, app landing template, app template, apps, Four+ Columns, marketing landing page, mobile app landing, responsive, technology, web apps