Bigcart- A apple-pie & beginning Multi-Purpose ecommerce template that is acceptable for any blazon of shop, In which we included absolute 26 HTML files that can be customized easily, aswell included 6 Homepage layouts.
Fonts:Poppins (Heading Text)Open Sans (Paragraph Text)
Icons:Font Awesome (Icons)Simple Line Icons (Icons)
Images:Shutterstock(Images)Unsplash(Free Images)
Support:If you charge any advice application the book or charge appropriate customizing amuse feel chargeless to acquaintance us via Support Forum
Note:All images are just acclimated for Demo Purpose Only. They are not allotment of the template and NOT included in the final acquirement files.
Tags: business, clean, creative, ecommerce, fashion, Four+ Columns, minimal, modern, responsive, retail, shop, slider, store, urban