Banijjo is the Perfect Business and Accounts HTML Template, Banijjo is best ill-fitted for accumulated website like adviser, attorney, business, accumulated accountant, finance, financial, insurance, invest, investment, investor, law, pensions, trading etc. This is a business template that is advice abounding for online attendance for Accumulated Business and Banking Firms.
- Awesome Unique Look
- One Index File
- Built on Bootstrap 3.x
- Advanced Typography
- Contact Form
- Google Maps simple customization
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Files
- Background Parallax Effect
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Clean & Simple Design
- Smooth animation
- Easy to customize
- Google Map with assorted location
Fonts :Free Google Font RobotoFree Google Font Poppins
Tags: agency, bootstrap, business, company, corporate, creative, finance, Four+ Columns, mobile, multipurpose, one page, parallax, responsive, startup, twitter