Bahmin – One Page Portfolio template is a absolutely responsive and able claimed portfolio for designers, startups, web flat and artistic agencies, photographers etc. Brahmin: One Page Portfolio template is the use for agreement your all advice in one page. You can aswell add blog account filigree and why appoint me section. All files and cipher has been able-bodied organized and accurately commented for simple to adapt your new creation.
Features List
- Blogs List/Grid Section
- HTML5 & CSS3
- All Modern Browser Supported
- Google fonts included
- Easy to customize
- Well Documented
- Fully customizable
- 5+ Page Design
- Clean and Creative
- Based on bootstrap 4.x
- Font Awesome icons
- Single Blog Section
- Many More….
- W3C accurate html code
- Full Responsive
- alive Ajax+PHP Contact form
Credits and Sources
- Pexels
- GraphicBurger
- Rawpixel
- jQuery Easing
- jquery.countTo
- isotope
- owl.carousel.min
- Bootstrap
- jquery.appear
- circle progress
- jQuery JavaScript Library