This is a absolute template for Virtual and Personal Assistants. It can be aswell acclimated for advisers, ads, managers, humans who accommodate authoritative abutment and secretaries. It has absolute blueprint to affectation all your above casework and appearance your skills.
Assistant is absolute for both baby and all-embracing businesses. It can be acclimated as a portfolio for a individual virtual abettor or as a website presenting a accomplished big aggregation of authoritative abutment providers. Abettor is absolutely responsive, and it gives your audience a bigger adventitious to ability you via their adaptable devices.
3 custom home pages7 close pagesClean and pixel absolute designSpecial Virtual Assistants pagesModern and apple-pie design100% aqueous acknowledging designFree fonts usedWell organised layerEasy & customizable PSD files
Google fontPoppinsIconsfontawesome.iothenounprojectImages antecedent
Thank you so abundant for your interests. Your comments and ratings would be abundant appreciated.
The images acclimated in the template are not included in the capital download file, they are alone for the examination purpose.
Tags: administration, adviser, aid, appointments, business, corporate, finance, law, manager, Personal Assistant, secretary, support, va, virtual, virtual assistant