Aroty is a clean and artistic HTML Template acceptable for Fashion, Furniture, Handmade, Minimal Store website, etc. You can adapt it actual simple to fit your needs. The architecture is actual affected and modern, and aswell actual simple to adapt with 1170px grid. Aroty template has admirable and different architecture that will be best ill-fitted for your online web presence. It has 100% acknowledging architecture and activated on all above handheld devices.
- 675+ Font Icons Included (Font Awesome)
- Fully Responsive
- Mobile Ready
- Well documented
- 1170px Filigree System
- Owl Carousel
- Based on Bootstrap 4.x
- Clean and Avant-garde Design
- 29 HTML5 Files
- SEO Optimized
- 10 Homepage layouts
- Google Chargeless Fonts
- Parallax Backgrounds
- jQuery Enhanced
All images we acclimated in this template appear from sources. They are actual acceptable sources for chargeless images
- Pixabay
- Unsplash
- Freepik
- picjumbo
Note: – All these images will NOT be included in purchased package, just for audience purpose
Tags: clean, ecommerce, elegant, fashion, Fashion Shop, furniture blog, furniture shop, Handmade blog, handmade shop, luxury, minimal, modern, responsive, shop, store, Two Columns