Appsy Responsive App Landing Page Template is advised with a apple-pie attending and feel, beautiful & avant-garde trend that absolutely adjustable to accompany top artful & about-face for a App advance & would be acceptable not alone for a adaptable apps but aswell for adaptable amateur advertise or any appliance website showcase. It comes with one different blueprint which includes bags of sections, customization options and appearance for assorted purposes.
- Clean and Avant-garde Design
- Bootstrap 3.3
- Fully Responsive
- Google Web Fonts
- HTML 5 & CSS3
- Elegant Font Icons
- Working Mailchimp Subscription Form
- SEO Friendly
- Well Commented code
- Well Documented
- Fast Support
- Many more..
Initial Release
Note: The images acclimated in the template is alone for audience purpose.
Tags: app, app launch, app marketing, contact form, creative, marketing, mobile games, modern, parallaxe, responsive, subscribe form, Three Columns