ALWAYS is a Responsive HTML5 / CSS3 (Desktop, tablet, adaptable phone…) Creative, Classic, Clean and Professional Template. It comes with Unique Pages, Awesome Slideshows, Easy-to-customize and absolutely featured design. Create Outstanding Wedding Website in Minutes!
ALWAYS Theme Features
- Fast and Light Weight
- jQuery Enhanced
- Custom Backgrounds
- Cube Portfolio $16
- Cross Browser Support
- Google Fonts
- Mega Menu
- Font-Awesome
- Unique Page Layouts
- Well Documentation
- Responsive Design
- Custom shortcodes
- Neat and Clean
- All Files are Well Commented
- Unlimited Colors
- One Page Templates
- Master Slider $17
- Unlimited Patterns
- Dedicated Support
- Tons of Features
- Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Template
- 4 Different Templates
- Layered PSD Files
Images used: Stock Images and ability chargeless absorb images. Images not Included in to the Theme. They are Demo Purpose Only.
BG Patterns from:
Icons used:
Images used: pixabay - Different Home Page Layouts
Dear buyer! If you like this template and my abutment amuse amount it.
Tags: bride, celebration, couple, event, Four+ Columns, gallery, groom, marriage, responsive, wedding, wedding event, wedding planner