EventPlus Theme adherent to capacity of events, weddings and all kinds of holidays. The theme has a ample amount of altered versions of pages, artistic and beautiful design, calmly afflicted to any requirement. The theme has all the avant-garde functionality such as: beheld composer, slider anarchy and abundant more.
Key Features:
5 Multi-purpose ThemeContent Page BuilderSlider RevolutionIcons Loader FreeTheme CustomizeOne Click Install
Google Web Fontsand abundant more…
Questbook, marriage, wedding, wedding events, wedding planner, wedding theme, camp, conference, appointment theme, event, accident schedule, accident website, accident wordpress theme, exhibition, expo
Note: Images acclimated in previews are not included in the PSD and you charge to acquaintance authors to get permission in case you wish to use them in your bartering or non-commercial projects.
Roboto Slab ( ( Academic Software (
Tags: ceremony, cute, event, fancy, girly, groom, guestbook, marriage, responsive, Two Columns, wedding, wedding events, wedding planner, wedding theme