UkieWorld 404 – Awesome SVG animated pack of 12 html pages, created by our artistic aggregation alone for themeforest!.The capital appearance of arrangement is artistic ideas, abundant architecture and apple-pie code, simple customization.
Main Features:
- HTML5 & CSS3 Coding
- Retina Architecture (SVG images)
- Full Documentation
- Simple animations
- UkieFont
- Snap SVG library
- Fully Responsive
- Google Font
Zip Files Contents:
- 12 HTML Files
- Documentation file
- CSS files
- Tv
- Crocodile
- Panda
- Ballon
- Saw
- Bear
- Neanderthal
- Man
- Astronaut
- Child with box
- Blind boy
- Dog
Free Font Used
- Montserrat
- UkieFont