PhotoHall is a responsive photography blogger template. It’s the best best for your blog if you are a photographer. You can use it to appearance your afflatus and adroitness and abilities for capturing photos and use it as your alarming portfolio.
Template Features
- Highly Condensed Documentation
- Sticky Navigation and Mega Menu
- Support Blogger template Designer
- Homepage Slider
- Customized Top Social Icons Gadget
- Full Set of Short Codes
- Pages Numbering
- Drop down Menu
- Fully 100% Responsive (Desktop,Tablets,Smartphone)
- Customized Sidebar for Posts (Left,Right,No Sidebar)
- Related Post Widget
- Customized Error 404 Page
- Compatible with above browsers (IE11,Firefox,Opera,Chrome,Safari,Edge)
- FontAwesome CSS Icons
- Ads Ready and SEO Optimized
- Owl Carousel
- 5 Grid Views For Post Images
- Bootstrap Based Template
- Masonry Grid View
Template Acclimated Assets
I accept acclimated the afterward assets
- Images Loaded 4.1.0 by desandro
- jQuery 1.12.4 by jQuery Foundation.
- Colorbox 1.6.4 by jacklmoore
- Font-Awesome CSS 4.6.3 by Dave Gandy.
- Bootstrap 3.3.6 by @mdo and @fat.
- jQuery OwlCarousel 1.3.2 by Bartosz Wojciechowski
- jquery-match-height 0.7.0 by Liam Brummitt
- Ajax Featured Posts jQuery Plugin by Ar-themes
- Masonry 4.1.0 by desandro
Template Audience Font
The chantry acclimated central the audience template is “Play” chantry and it’s a allotment of blogger chargeless fonts. You will be able to change the chantry so calmly from the blogger template artist and accept amid abounding of chargeless fonts.
Template Audience Images
I accept acclimated the images for the audience from and they aren’t included in template files.
Change Log
August 23, 2016v1.0 Initial ReleaseTags: ads ready, blogger, bootstrap, fontawesome, light, masonry, One Column, orange, photography, photohall, responsive, seo optimized, shortcodes