HONEX – React Apps Landing Page able landing page or business page to advance any affectionate of Apps, Software and aswell agenda or any absolute products. The arrangement is fabricated appliance the latest adaptation of React and acclimated the latest adaptation of Bootstrap CSS framework. It’s acknowledging for all of the accessories and advised with a apple-pie attending and feel, beautiful & avant-garde trend. It’s basically congenital for app advance but would be acceptable aswell for adaptable amateur advertise or any appliance website showcase. It comes with one different blueprint which includes bags of sections, customization options and appearance for assorted purposes.
Unique architecture and apple-pie designMade With Bootstrap 4x FrameworkPixel Perfect DesignResponsive For All DevicesNice CSS3 Animations3 Home Page Versions5 Blog Page Layouts and 3 Single Blog Page Layout404 and Coming Soon Page Include9 Different Colors VersionFree google chantry used600+ Chantry Awesome and agent icons 7 strokeSEO Friendly CodesVery Easy to CustomizeClean and Well Commented Codes.Well Documented
Note: All images are just acclimated for Preview Purpose Only. They are not allotment of the arrangement and NOT included in the final acquirement files.
Tags: apps landing, apps showcase, best react template, bootstrap react, business template, clean react template, Four+ Columns, marketing template, minimal react template, mobile apps landing, non-loading template, product landing, react app, react apps, react marketing, react one-page template, responsive