HealSoul – Medical & Health Care WordPress Theme
This absolute WordPress theme is congenital for websites of health organizations, health care centers, pharmacy and added medical companies, clinics, hospitals all over the world. It can be the best abettor you could accept in advocacy your company’s popularity, accepting clients’ aplomb and carrying bigger casework to ones who are in need.HealSoul brings 6+ homepage demos, 7+ page appellation bars, 20+ attack styles, 67+ custom short-codes. These provides users with bags of choices for architecture website and customizing pages. It can also fit altogether on assorted displays and resolutions from desktop screens to tablets, and adaptable devices.
This is our online documentation: http://document.thememove.com/healsoul/
HealSoul focuses on accouterment the foundation for WordPress users to body a responsive, advisory and adorable website, which presents their company’s healthcare casework and activities in the best accessible light.
Distinctive design: HealSoul has an industrially characteristic architecture that’s advised for health-care service centers, medical institutes, accepted hospitals and clinics, etc.
Specialized layouts: This theme brings about abundant predefined layouts whose elements are anxiously abiding to ensure that the aftereffect is able to accent your business’s highlights.
Powerful tools: There are abundant able and anatomic accoutrement for users to advance and body a absolutely acknowledging website such as annoyance & bead page architect from WPBakery, Revolution Sliders, etc.
Homepages: 5+ professionally crafted homepages are available. Many added are beneath development now and will be delivered to users via alternate theme updates.
Blogs: 8+ premade blog layouts for users to accept for altered posts, including Single Blogs, Blog List, 3 types of Blog Carousel, 3 types of Blog Grid, Blog Metro. Users can actualize posts application video, audio, quote, gallery, links as able-bodied as added customizable elements to abstain the apathy of repetition.
Resource Pages: 4 acclaimed ability pages with choices to baddest one of the 3 variations of captions or an overlaid image.
Services Layouts: Similar to ability pages, you can also accept amid 4 kinds of service layouts to advertise your casework & activities and win audiences’ trusts.
Contact Form: A amount of ready-to-use acquaintance anatomy for users to use. You can adapt the argument and set the configurations for your anatomy such as typography, size, button, text, color, accomplishments image, etc. Currently, HealSoul has two premade forms: Application form, Consultation form.
Caregiver Services: There are templates for barter to accommodate abundant advice about your health agents (Caregiver details, Caregiver list, and Caregiver search).
Headers: HealSoul is congenital with 23+ ability accurate attack styles, which helps actualize absolute pages and admission your audiences’ account experience. Anniversary appearance comes with a altered aggregate of background, blush options, typography and so abundant more.
Top Bars: 12+ top bar styles use a avant-garde ambit of colors, icons & typography combinations for acceptable website aeronautics experience. To acclimatize the top bar style, from the admin dashboard, you can cross to Appearance > Adapt > Top Bar again accept a appearance to adapt for anniversary page.
Page Titles: 7+ page appellation styles are accessible to use from Appearance > Adapt > Page Appellation Bar. You can set an all-embracing appearance for all pages or a specific appearance for anniversary page in Page Options.Pop-up Videos: 7+ video pop-op styles application a altered set of button designs and angel layouts. The pop-up video can be of full-screen amplitude and calmly adjustable according to users’ preferences.
Full-width Parallax Images & Video Background: It’s accessible for users to actualize sliders with a full-width Parallax scrolling angel or video as the background. This will enhance your site’s visuals to a abundant extent.
Premium Plugins: Upon purchasing HealSoul, users will be able to save up to $130 of their budget. That is because HealSoul gives them accessibility to use these afterward able plugins afterwards accepting to acquirement a license:
- Slider Revolution – awful able apparatus for architecture absolute admirable sliders with adorable effects. This will save you $25 for the exceptional authorization of this plugin.
- WPBakery Page Architect (formerly Visual Composer) – one of the a lot of acknowledging annoyance & bead page builders for WordPress. This will save you $45 for the exceptional authorization of this plugin.
- Font Awesome Pro – the altered antecedent of arresting icons, accoutrement and styles for your artistic projects. This will save you $60 for the exceptional authorization of this plugin.
Important Note: These plugins are chip into the theme. Users can admission to use and adapt them from the admin dashboard afterwards the charge to actuate the plugin or admission the activation key. In case you would like to accept an activation key, you’ll charge to acquirement the atypical exceptional authorization from their authors.
Advanced Admin Panel: Admin console is bigger to be added convenient and automatic for clients, admitting their abstruse ability or WordPress experiences. Now, you can adapt Footers, Mega Menus, Loco Translate, Services, Resources, Testimonials appropriate from the admin panel.
Color & Typography: Adore 600+ graphically admirable Google Fonts and hundreds of beauteous icons advised for HealSoul theme. Barter accept the abandon to acclimatize the blush & typography of the theme in adjustment to accommodated their architecture arrangement for the absolute site.
Shortcodes: HealSoul offers user with 45+ custom shortcodes for architecture element-rich pages and add added appearance to your homepage. You can use these accessible shortcodes to actualize annihilation afterwards abundant coding abilities required.
Demo Import: Importing audience takes no added than a few clicks.
Cross-browser Adaptability: Our developers accept activated the theme on the latest WordPress adaptation 5.0 as able-bodied as beyond a avant-garde ambit of both desktop &mobile accessories forth with browsers namely FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE11+.
Mega Menu: This is a affectionate of card that creates avant-garde website aeronautics for users. Bead down airheaded ability accomplish it difficult for readers to see all options on massive sites. But that’s not the adventure with mega menu. Readers will accept all options laid afore them if browsing your website.
Retina Ready: All the images and cartoon of HealSoul are absolutely optimized and awful aesthetic to accommodated the demands of top superior display.
Child Theme Ready: Save your adopted website customization on HealSoul’s adolescent theme and use it to consign those customization into the ancestor theme afterwards getting updated.
WPML Compatible/ Multilingual Site: Our theme is advised to be accordant with WordPress Multilingual Plugin (or the WPML for short). HealSoul could accommodate abetment for users if they charge to body multilingual sites or construe their website into adopted languages.
Customer Support: If purchasing our theme, barter can adore exceptional abutment from ThemeMove abutment aggregation with committed instructions and able solutions. Barter can accept advice from altered ways: through our online documentation, video tutorials, blogs on tips and tricks & abutment centermost
Updates: Our aggregation consistently try our best to accumulate HealSoul adapted and accomplish it run at its best. Updates are appear regularly. Users will accept notifications if new updates are ready. Updating action is simple abundant to be done in a few clicks. Our barter will be able to accept updates for their time for activity and for free, as always.
Note: Images acclimated in audience are for affectation purpose only, they are not included in the package.
Key Features
- Drag & Bead Page Architect – Visual Composer ($45 saved)
- +4 Service Layouts
- +45 Custom Shortcodes
- +12 Top Bar Styles
- Smooth CSS3 Animation
- Adolescent theme abutment for simple customization
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE11+
- Tons of Awesome Icons
- Font Awesome 5 Pro ($60 saved)
- Awesome Slider Creator – Slider Revolution ($25 saved)
- +8 Blog Layouts
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Chargeless lifetime updates and admission to our abutment forum
- Parallax Angel and Video Scrolling Sections
- WordPress 4.0+ Activated and Approved
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3 code
- +6 Homepages
- Retina Accessible
- Highly acknowledging and customizable
- Blazing Fast Loading Speed
- SEO optimized
- 100% Acknowledging & Mobile-friendly
- Contact Anatomy 7
- +7 Page Appellation Styles
- Sticky Header
- +23 Attack Layouts
- +4 Ability Pages
- Quick and simple accession with one click
Version 1.0.1 – Dec 27, 2018
1. Update audience agreeable import.Tags: agency, business, care, caregivers, clinic, creative, dental, drag drop, health, health insurance, medical, news blog hosting, personal trainer, responsive, slider revolution, Three Columns, visual composer