TokenWiz – ICO User Dashboard & ICO Admin Template
Softnio Introducing new apple-pie dashboard template for managing your ICO Tokens Sale. TokenWiz – ICO Dashboard template is absolutely featured for ICO userpanel including admin. TokenWiz brings with all affectionate of components, appearance and pre-build pages such as Purchase Tokens, Profile, KYC Form, KYC Lists, User Lists, Transaction List login, allotment and abounding added pages.
ICO Dashboard (Userpanel) is a lot of important allotment of ICO Token Sales / ICO Application. For that acumen Softnio aggregation advised a actual advantageous and apple-pie blueprint including lots of appearance and with widgets, plugins and ICO accompanying pages that are accomplish your activity easier.
Backbone of TokenWiz is latest Bootstrap 4.1. It’s absolutely acknowledging admin template and congenital with avant-garde web technology HTML5 and CSS3 (SCSS). It’s Lightweight and simple customizable which is basically advised for the developers or companies who wish to advance ICO Backend Application.
We’ve tasted on all above web browsers, desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all added acute buzz accessories and it works well.
Caution: It’s just changeless html template (bootstrap based) and NOT a anatomic systems.
Please acquaintance us via abutment tab, if you charge any appropriate affection that helps you to complete your dashboard.
TokenWiz – ICO Dashboard Features
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Clean and avant-garde look
- Datatable, Chart graph, Datepicker
- User Profile, Faqs, Login, Register etc
- Free quick support
- Stylish and apple-pie popup / modal box design
- Fully Acknowledging Layout
- Purchase Token page with process
- Transaction advertisement with data page
- Bootstrap 4.0 Framework
- KYC/AML Application Form / Identity Verification page for User
- Pre-Build Pages for ICO Usercenter
- Mobile-First Approach
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- Fully customizable
- Free Google fonts
Pages for User Panel
- Purchase Tokens + Process
- ICO Distribution
- Transaction List
- KYC Application Form
- User Profile with Settings
Pages for Admin Panel
- Transaction List
- User List
- KYC List
- Transaction Details
Miscellaneous Pages
- Register / Sign-up
- Forgot Password
- 404/504 Error
- Regular Page
- Login / Sign-in
- Faqs Page
- UI Elements
What do you get?
- Documentation File
- All HTML Template files
We accord abutment for all our items. We try to acknowledgment all questions aural 24 hours in weekdays. Abutment requests accept during weekends or accessible holidays will be candy on next Monday or the next business day.
Sources and Credits
Fonts and Icons
Roboto, FontAwesome, CryptoIcon, Themify Icon, Custom icons by Softnio Team
jQuery Plugins (Javascript)
jQuery, jQuery easing, BootStrap, Final CountDown, DropZone, Select 2, DataTable, DatePicker, TimePicker, Magnific Popup, Chart JS
Please note: Some of images alone for examination purposes and cannot be supplied due to licensing reasons.
Changes log
Version - 1.0Initial ReleasedTags: admin template, crypto dashboard, dashboard ico, dashboard template, Four+ Columns, ico, ico admin, ICO dashboard, ico script, ico theme, ico user, Ico Wallet, nio, responsive, userpanel