Softie is a perfect, avant-garde and acknowledging point of accession architecture for programming , new companies and able applications. This presentation page architecture has assorted concealment , attack and architecture varieties. Efficient, recorded and simple to modify, Softie is the a lot of ideal access to acquaint and beforehand your start-up programming or carriageable appliance site.Features:
- W3 Valid 100%
- Font Icons
- Modern Design
- Easy to Customize
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap 4.1.3
- 42 Different Home Pages
- Google Fonts
- Clean code
- Built with HTML5 & CSS3
- Free Images
- Fully Customizable
- And abundant more…
- Browser Compatibility
Please Note : This account is changeless HTML5 Template, It’s not a WordPress Theme.Images are alone for audience purpose, not included in download files.
Tags: app landing page, bootstrap, business landing page, Four+ Columns, marketing, mobile app, responsive, software, software landing page, startup, startup landing page