Oro is a Personal Business VCard HTML template, able-bodied organized and structured, able-bodied commented and documented. Oro is simple to custumize and manipulate. Oro includes 2 altered plan pages demos, and a alive acquaintance form
- Developer affable code
- Responsive blueprint (desktops, tablets, adaptable devices)
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Extend account classes
- Fully customizable
- Includes 4 landing page samples
- Clean & Modern Design
- Extremely simple to setup
- And more
- Well documented
What do you get?
- jQuery and Javascript files
- HTML files
- Documentation
- CSS files
The template contains the afterward pages:
- My Resume
- My Works
- Single Blog
- Home
- Single project
- My Blog
- About Me
The acclimated fonts are from Google :
- Rubik
- Material Icons
- Karla
The acclimated icons are:
- Material Icons
- Font Awesome
- Linear Icons
The acclimated Pluging are :
- Masonry
- Owl Carousel
- particles
- JQuery (v1.12.4)
All the images are chargeless and taken from unsplash. And they are not included in the download file.
If you feel annihilation is amiss with the template amuse acquaintance us.
Tags: business, card, clean, css, cv, Four+ Columns, html, jquery, js, modern, responsive, resume, simple, stylish, template, virtual