Bending is a clean, creative, altered template for construction & architecture company.There are included three beauteous homepages & absolute 21 html files.This architecture is actual artistic and unique, and aswell actual simple to adapt and use.. It’s absolutely acknowledging architecture accessible acceptable to any device.
Bending based on bootstrap 4 1170px filigree system, HTML5 and CSS3, and it’s actual simple to adapt anniversary and every block of HTML and CSS book is appropriately commented which will advice you to adapt this template as per your requirements.
Features Overview
- Bootstrap 4 Framework:
Bootstrap is the a lot of accepted HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, adaptable aboriginal projects on the web.
- Slick Slider:
Create beauteous slides with altered action furnishings calmly with Slick Slider
- Responsive Blueprint Design:
What anytime you are application the accessory your website will run as it should be. Bending template is absolutely acknowledging blueprint for all blazon of devices.
- 21+ Accurate HTML Files :
Bending template coded with admirable and clean codes! Some able HTML files 100% accurate W3 web standards.
- Awesome Blog Pages :
Blogging actual important! We advised admirable blog page templates and individual blog styles for your account and updates..
Full Features List
- Nice and Clean Design
- Font Awesome Icon
- Google map
- 24/7 Awesome Support
- Based on Bootstrap 4.x
- Detailed documentation
- HTML & CSS & JS files are included
- 3+ Shop Styles
- 100% Responsive
- 3+ Home Pages
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- 21+ Page templates
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- Image background
- 3+ Blog Styles
- Clean and commented code
Please Note:
All images are just acclimated for Preview Purpose Only. They are not allotment of the html templates and no included in the final acquirement files.
Sources and Credits
- jQuery
- OWL Carousel
- Twitter Bootstrap
- slick
- Magnific-popup
Fonts Used
- Work+Sans (Google Fonts)
Icons Used
- Free Flat Icons by Flat Icon.
- Free Font Icons by icofont
Image Credits
- unsplash
- Freepik
- Allfreephotos
- Nothingtochance
Change log
******************************************************************27.08.2018 Version 1.0******************************************************************Tags: architecture, builder, building, cleaning services, construction, construction business, construction company, contractor, electrician, engineer, Four+ Columns, handyman, painter, responsive