Crypticoin – Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency HTML Template
Crypticoin is the absolute fit for both novices and experts of the cryptocurrency barter market, and it is abiding to become your go-to if it comes to Cryptocurrency Investments and ICO Agencies HTML Template. The architecture is actual affected and modern, and aswell actual simple to customize.
If you like my template, amuse amount it 5 stars.
Templates Features
- Responsive Architecture on Bootstrap.
- Strange and different interface, automated and impress.
- Barter Rates.
- Bazaar Rates.
- Free Google Fonts.
- Coin Barter Calculator (all apple currencies).
- Easily customizable Photoshop files.
- 11 Absolute Pixel / Layered PSD files.
- Every page is absolutely layered and organized with able names.
- Flexible blueprint system
- Documentation included.
- CryptoCurrency Price Convertors.
- And abounding more…
- Based on 1170px Grid System.
- Simple to acquisition the files name, folder, layers, goups.
- Free Vector File
- Great Support 24/7.
- Absolutely Customizable.
- 04 Homepage Blueprint Options: 1.2 Verions.
- Retina Ready.
Font Acclimated :
- Roboto
- Rubik
Graphics Acclimated :
- flaticon
- ionicons
- freepik
Plugin Used:
- Owl carousel
- Particles
- Google Web fonts
- WOW js
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- Animate css
- Jquery counterup
- Waypoints
- Fontawesome icons
- Popper js
Note: The images you see in the reside audience are acclimated for audience purposes only, they are not included in the download package, the aboriginal ones are replaced with placeholders.
Tags: bitcoin, blockchain, coin currency, crypticoin, crypto trading, cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency advisor, Currency Exchange, Digital Currencies, ethereum, Four+ Columns, ICO Agency, ICO Consulting, investments, mining, online wallet, responsive