Bitvaults is a Creative, Modern and Professional Business Template which accord with agenda currency, Finances, bitcoin mining equipment, blockchain, coin currency, cryptocurrency, Currency Exchange, agenda currency, litecoin, mining, online wallet websites. The Template based on Bootstrap 4, Sass and Gulp.
Contact us for support: [email protected]
Template Features
- Google Web Fonts
- 3 Home Variations
- Contact Form
- 3 Different Header Layout
- Event Counter
- Sass, Gulp
- Responsive Template
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap 4
- Documentation
- HTML5 Validated
- FontAwesomeicons
- Multipage Design
- Easy to adapt and user friendly
- Twitter Bootstrap
- FontAwesome Icons
- jQuery
- Jcounter, Gmap3 and Colorbox
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Images acclimated from Pixabay, Photopin
Images are alone for audience purpuse and not included with the template bundle
Tags: bitcoin, crypto currency, cryptocurrency, digital currency, exchange, finance, market, mining, responsive, stocks, Two Columns, wallet