BitCoin is our new Html template created for bitcoin mining websites, crypto currency barter and trading, agenda currencies, affairs and business consulting. It’s aswell a absolute template for online agenda transaction system.
Considering the growing absorption of accessible appear the crypto currencies and their ascent popularity, this template has got all the affairs to become a acknowledged internet action for mining accouterments architect or new cryptocurrency project. Especially if you’re already searching for a band-aid for a website that would acquire accuse of altered currencies.
Cryptocurrencies are accepting added and added acceptance nowadays and every day humans appearance a lot of absorption to this subject. That is why, it is important to accept an advisory wesbite that will acquaint you barter all that they wish to apperceive about this banking wonder
- AngularJS
- Clean Design
- Well Commented
- 24/7 Support
- Portfolio Filtering
- Bootstrap v4.0.0
- Fully Responsive design
- Cross-Browser Compatability
- Contact Form
- W3C Validate
- Easily Customizable
- Multipage
- Free Google Fonts
- Easy Documentation
- Google Map
- Carousel Infinity Slider
- CSS3
- FontAwesome Icon
Google fonts:
- Muli
Sources and Credits:
- Owl carosel
- jQuery v3.1.1
- Countdown
- FontAwesome
- Waypoints
- sPreoader
- Google Map
- isotop
- Smoothscroll
- jQuery UI
- Bootstrap v3.3.7
Note: Images are not included with the capital files. They are acclimated for examination purposes only
Tags: bitcoin, business, crypto currency, Currency Exchange, digital currency, digital payment system, exchange, finance, Four+ Columns, investment, market, mining, online, responsive, share market, stocks, wallet