April – Responsive Sectioned Shopify Theme for Fashion, Digital, Jewelry, Furniture, Organic, Bakery
April is a Premium Sectioned Shopify Theme advised and developed by ThemeForest’s Elite Author. Theme is responsive, adaptable compliance. W3C, HTML5, CSS3 carefully accurate and compatible. The theme backpack includes 20+ altered artistic designs accessible to use. April cover a lot of features: Drag & Drop layout, Revolution Slider, Mega menu, Advanced Filter, Color Swatches, Ajax Add to cart, Ajax Compare, Ajax Wishlist, Ajax Quick view, CMS pages such as Contact page, Lookbook page, FAQs page, Super Deals page, Password page,…
Tags: fashion premium shopify themes, Four+ Columns, home appliance electronics, instagram, jewelry jewellery fragrance, kid infant children apparel, minimal cosmetic beauty game, new responsive bootstrap html5, oberlo drop shipping aliexpress, perfume retina parallax simple, responsive, sectioned responsive shopify theme, supermarket market groceries, superstore shopping mall phone, swimwear bras sexy makeup bags, valentine seasons new year watches sport shoes lingerie