Pro-Conf event landing page is a business conference/event Theme advantageous for any blazon of meet-ups for professionals as able-bodied as alone authors/speakers to present their event information. Detailed advice about your event can be presented application this professionally advised and developed Pro-Conf Landing Page. This theme can be acclimated finer for business events, seminars, able meet up, authors, speakers and industry experts.
Key Features
- Pricing table & acquaintance form
- Eventbrite supported
- 100% acknowledging design
- Multiple home version
- Advanced theme options
- Events shedule timeline
- Bootstrap 3 powered
- Google fonts supported
- Drag & Drop Onepage architect with Visual composer
- Translation accessible ( .pot book included )
- Unlimited blush preset
- Blog layouts with sidebar/full-width
- Regular amend & address support
- Woocommerce supported
- Mailchimp supported
Note: Images acclimated in examination are for audience purpose only
Tags: bootstrap, builder, conference, convention, event, exhibition, Four+ Columns, landing, lecture, meeting, political, responsive, seminar, summit, webinar