TRENDY is a creative, modern, professional, and acknowledging HTML5 coming soon page. architected on a belvedere of clean, organized code. This template is contains abounding advantageous assets including an ajax cable form, ajax acquaintance form, and some alarming icons. Suitable for any artistic agency. With this Template you will be able to plan on your website while your visitors see the beneath architecture page.
Main Feature
- Solid Pattern background
- Rainy Background
- 3D Effect & Parallax Background
- Based on Bootstrap 3.7
- Pattern background
- Gradient background
- Creative & Apple-pie Style
- CountDown Timer
- Image Slider Background
- World Background
- Youtube Background
- Kenburn Slider Background
- Galaxy Background
- Creative & Apple-pie Style
- Local Video Background
- Cloudy Background
- Stars Background
- Snowy Background
- Dark and Light Version
- Magnet Background
- 20 Animation Accomplishments
- Hive Background
- Fully Responsive
- Worms Background
- Static Image background
- Origami Background
- Bubble Background
- Surface Background
- 25 Skin Color
- SASS adaptation included
- Creative & Apple-pie Style
- Multi Blush (Based bootstrap blush pallete)
- W3C Valid HTML
- 1200+ Font Icons
- Font Alarming Icon
- Medhati Icons
- Themify Icons
- Ajax Acquaintance form
- Ajax Cable form
- Integrated Mailchimp Cable form
- Google web fonts
- Easily customizable
- Well documented
- Displays able-bodied in all avant-garde browsers and devices
The Plugins/Components that were acclimated to accomplish this template.
- Animate
- Bootstrap
- JS
- Jquery
- Lightbox
- Parallax
- and accomplishments library
- Bootstrap
- Modernizr
- Fonts
- Font Awesome
- Google Font
- Themify
- Contact Form
- Images
- Unsplash
- Note: images not included on capital book an all images just for demo.
- Bootstrap acknowledge book ready
- Trendy Template mixin & elementes and … accessible for developer
This template can’t be installed into any of accessible CMS (WordPress, Drupal, etc.), This template is HTML and CSS template. Can edite all files with block or any argument editor application.
This theme requires a appealing basal setup. In fact, the alone affair your server needs is PHP installed, which is usually 99.9% of the cases. If you appear to be that 0.1%, amuse acquaintance your hosting ambassador and let him apperceive you charge PHP installed on your server. PHP is bare for the Acquaintance anatomy to function, but if you don’t charge that, any affectionate of hosting will do the trick.
Tags: bootstrap, cloud, coming soon, countdown, Four+ Columns, galaxy, mailchimp, multipurpose, one page, rain, responsive, snow, star, trendy, under construction, youtube