Industrial HTML template advised accurately for all types of Industry, Factory, Industrial, Construction, Engineering, Machinery Business, Commodity Business, Power, Rail Business, Airplane, Ship Business, Oil & Gas Business, Petroleum websites which we included absolute 21 HTML files that can be customized easily.
Key Features
- Free Icon Fonts
- Google Fonts
- Unique and Creative Design
- Clean Code and Clean Design
- Responsive HTML Template
- Full Screen Header
- Awesome Projects Pages
- Shop Pages
- Blog Pages
- Font Awesome Icons
- 21 HTML Files
- Modern Design
- Documentation Include
- Easy To Customize
- Themify Icons
- Google Maps
- Based on 1170px grid
- Cross Browser Compatible
- 03 Different Home Versions
- Bootstrap 3 Framework
Source & Credits
Thanks for anniversary of these humans that fabricated our template attending amazing with their aces Images, Icons, Fonts, Js, Css and Videos.
HTML / CSS: Twitter BootstrapImages: UnsplashShutter StockDepositphotosfreepik.comIcons: Icons fabricated by Freepik from is accountant by CC BY 3.0FontawesomeThemify IconsJS: jQueryGoogle Map jquery.counterupOwl CarouselelevateZoom Magnific PopupAjax Mail ChimpSmooth ScrollFonts: Google FontsFont AawesomeMockups: Pixeden
Note: Images alone for audience version. Images acclimated in previews are not included in download file.